Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Must... fight... urges...

Summer is unfortunately over and already I feel the familiar chill of Fall. Also creeping into my thoughts of late has unsurprisingly been WoW and all its wonders. I am completely out of the loop, hearing little things here and there from some friends but no where near in the know from all the happenings within the last 4 months. Apparently soon we will finally be able to customize our wardrobe, something that appeals to me very much... remember I am the girl who refused to equip items if they didn't suit my look... to the fustration of many people. I did get a quick peek at the hunter tier 13 gear which I assume will be for upcoming content. It looks ok although the helm as usual is not cool enough to hide my pretty face for. How I miss you Cursed Vision of Sargeras...

A few steps ahead of myself obviously. I haven't exactly begun the process to get back into the game, nor am I anywhere near ready to be jumping into new content. Seems I may have lost my few connections from the last time I was active. My side kick is refusing to get back into it again and without logging on I cannot confidently say any familiar faces will be waiting for me. I was thinking about switching to a new server, but at the moment it seems nonsensical with no where really to go. So here I am at the edge, waiting for a solid wind gust to push me back in full force. I'll fight it a little longer but I miss my pets and I know they must be extremely hungry by now...

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