With this last patch, the temptation of adding 10 possible new pets to our stables is pretty appealing. I personally added 4 which wasn't easy. I thought this would be a great time to post my favorite 25 pets within the world of Azeroth.
#25 - Ashtail

Barely making the cut was Ashtail. This cute little fox isn't very rare but it's skin is one of a kind. Not only is it beautiful but it also dances on command.
#24 - Echeyakee
#23 - Angered Arakkoa Protector
Not a huge fan of birds but this majestic pet takes a bit of skill to acquire. After injuring a Lashh'an Wing Guard low enough in Blade's Edge Mountains, he will summon this bird at which time you can tame. I've never seen another hunter with this pet to date although I'm sure there are some out there.
#22 - Sunburst Adder
This one won't get many votes but for you fellow female hunters out there this snake is a must! There is not a single pet anywhere that radiates more pinkness and trust me after a little while this snake grows on you and you won't be able to escape it's adorable nature.
#21 - Gezzarak the Huntress
Gezzarak isn't the prettiest girl at the party but she does play hard to get. Besides sharing my name this huntress is also one of a kind and taming her is no walk in the park. She is summoned through a quest chain in Terokkar Forest. I think every stable should have at least one warp stalker and Gezzarak is definitely worth the effort.
#20 - Aotona
Again not much of a bird lover, I came across Aotona while searching for two other rares in Sholazar Basin. Aotona's colors stand out in a crowd and if you have a Hyacinth Macaw companion there is no better combo if you want to strut your stuff.
#19 - Madexx (Red)
Madexx comes in 5 different colors and while some people take which ever they are lucky enough to get, some prefer the one that suits them the best. For me it's the red one, not only is it the only Madexx with pink eyes it's also the one I think stands out the most.
#18 - Jadefang
Jadefang is a little tricky to get to but once you're there it's only a matter of time before he's yours. Tame him on the first go and on the second you can kill him for his miniature companion version. Jadefang is the rarest Shale Spider and the only green one.
#17 - Karkin
This crab gets points for being shiny and new but the competition with the tenacity pets in my stable are fierce due in part to rarely needing my pet to "tank" for me. So while he is extremely cute for a crab, he is worth adding to your collection but its doubtful he will see much time by your side unless you take on a lot of solo adventures.
#16 - Oil-Stained Wolf
Acquiring this dirty mutt can be a little frustrating but perseverance does pay off and this glitch makes for one of the coolest animated pets in the game.There are some very good youtube videos on how to tame this wolf in Borean Tundra and if you're a sucker for dogs and wolves like I am, this one is a must.
#15 - Pogeyan
This is another favorite that gets bumped up a few spots but don't over look this unique pet. This is the best transition from Echeyakee when you hit level 28. Although rare you should be able to find Pogeyan without much trouble in Northern Stranglethorn. A shiny coat and glowing ember eyes, you will quickly fall in love with this kitty.
#14 - Ghostcrawler
Uh oh two crabs on the list, maybe I should see a doctor. It's hard not to love anything that is spectral and for that alone I think Ghostcrawler is worth adding to your collection. However with so many BM only pets I think there's just to many other pets that edge him out.
#13 - Ban'thalos
Another pet who's value goes up if it wasn't restricted to the BM spec, Ban'thalos is an upgraded version of Olm the Wise. It takes a bit of an effort to figure out how to tame it but being one of the new rares you can't help but get swept up in the hype.
#12 - Karoma
This pet will always remind me of the Ancient Grimtotem Spirit Guide glitch. I think it would be my #1 if that was still the only way to get this ghost wolf. Regardless Karoma is very sharp looking and a must for all collectors.
#11 - Gondria
As a female hunter you can't ask for a better side kick than Gondria. It's purple glow is beautiful and unlike other long toothed cats this kitty has no plaque build up. Unfortunately Gondria gets bumped down a bit with the new tiger additions in patch 4.2.
#10 - Magria
Yes I know it's Gondria dressed in blue and if you want a green version then check out Ahnka. Like Madexx this is a preference thing and Magria's blue glow is my personal favorite. Perhaps the shiny and new factor plays into it barely edging out Gondria.
#9 - King Krush
Some people go crazy for Devilsaurs but me not so much. However I do have a soft spot for this one and I love that it keeps some of its size. This guy towers over me which helps it keep its tough guy image and keeps annoying Gnomes at a distance.
#8 - Arcturis
It's just not every day you see a spectral bear which makes Arcturis a true one of a kind pet. Arcturis who similar to Jadefang is not hard to find if you have the time and some patience. It's hard not to love Arcturis, as far as personalities go, it always seems to be doing something and without it I would never of had a reason to pass through Grizzly Hills.
#7 - Skoll
A lot of people think Skoll is hands down the coolest looking pet in the game and I definitely see where they are coming from. Skoll's electric animation makes him stand out in a crowded city but being a BM pet I hardly see him around anymore. If BM pets become usable in all specs I could see this pet becoming the most popular pet in Azeroth.
#6 - Deth'tilac
I hate spiders to the bone and yet here we have Deth'tilac at #6. I don't know what it is about this spider but I am hooked. I assume it is largely due to its purple skin which appeals to my feminine side but I absolutely adorable the way it looks beside me as I'm running around Orgrimmar. I don't endorse spiders but there are 5 new ones added from the last patch that might be worth considering.
#5 - Terrorpene
Every hunter has that one pet they pull out when they want to tank something big, for me it's always my Terrorpene. Taming this turtle in Mount Hyjal was no walk in the park but perhaps along with Skoll is one of the most remarkable looking pets in the game.
#4 - Chromaggus
I love my Chromaggus a lot, which shouldn't come as a surprise since I made a video about it. The journey to him isn't extremely hard but does ward away any casual hunters who aren't willing to put in the effort which makes him fairly rare. There are only 5 different looking core hounds available in game and none are more predominate than Chromaggus.
#3 - Skarr
Each time new pets are introduced there always seems to be that one pet that becomes the most desirable. For me in the last patch it was Skarr. I always want a cat by my side when things get real and Skarr's made a home in my top 5 and hasn't left since being tamed.
#2 - Sambas
When Cataclysm was released Sambas was immediately the pet I wanted the most and after taming him, he rarely left my side. Sambas was my main raiding pet and still one of my most trusted. Although there's no fancy animations with Sambas, the clean and sleek look is one of my personal favorites. If you're a hunter, you have to have Sambas.
#1 - Loque'nahak
Sad to say but this wasn't even close. Loque'nahak is easily my favorite pet in the entire game. I've seen some haters out there but I don't know how anyone could dislike this gorgeous creature. Again it's unfortunate this is a BM only pet but this is a pet you would see a lot more of if BM became a viable raiding spec or if this pet could be used with the other available hunter specs. Love it or hate it, this pet is probably the most sought after pet in WoW history, from hunters looking to tame it, to meanies trying to kill it.
So that's my favorite 25 pets and of course it's all based on individual preference but I'd love to know what other hunters favorites are. I am always looking to find new pets and if anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Thanks!
I want to give a special thanks to Daranara - Lightbringer US for the amazing signature she put together.