Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Yes I Stopped...

I know no post is needed but obviously I stopped playing quite a few months ago. It got a bit grindy and to be honest I just stopped feeling the urges. I don't know if Dakona will be coming back, I'd like to think it's only a matter of time before I do. However lately I've been deciding whether I want a PS4 or Xbox One and most importantly for the Blue-ray player but also for a bit of gaming. I've always been an Xbox girl but this could be the console that gets me over to Sony again. I haven't played Playstation since the original came out. I'm also thinking about grabbing a PSP Vita since it recently came out with a Walking Dead bundle and I absolutely love the Walking Dead so maybe I'll give it a go.

You might be asking yourself "Well how are you getting your gaming fix now that you've stopped playing WoW?" and that's probably not the question you were thinking but I've actually dusted off my brothers Skyrim game and given it the old college try. Never played one of these before and I'm only a few levels in and I'm not loving or hating it yet. So I don't predict I'll last very long but we shall see.

Thanks for checking in if you still do, I'll make updates as they happen for anyone interested and hopefully everyone is having a great summer.



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