Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Big Surprise!

So I left a big cliff hanger at the end of my blog last night fully knowing the 5 people who probably read it between then and now would be frantically checking my blog waiting for my story to be finished. Well I can't let you suffer anymore friends! Actually the real reason I didn't add this to my blog was cause of the whole content factor. Stuff doesn't usually happen to me very often but this blog must be my lucky charm cause it has been exciting lately. I digress....

Picking up from the story last night, I had just tamed two spirit beasts and was still feeling the high even though it was 2:00 am. Storm Peaks were looking rather dead so I decided to continue picking some flowers since I was there. I started heading towards where Dirkee spawns just out of boredom. As I was coming over the hill towards Snowdrift Plains my NPCscan went off scaring the crap out of me and I couldn't believe what I saw...

I immediately panicked and dismounted trying to shoot it from the ground... bad idea. I realized that wasn't going to work so I mounted up and flew into it until I got his attention. Bringing him to the ground it was just basic click click kill from there. Being as it was 2:00 am there was no one to brag all this to I kept the celebration contained in my room.. I did a little dance, made a little love, ya know basically got down tonight. I took a few pictures and headed to Orgrimmar to show off my new Time-Lost Proto Drake, unfortunately no one seemed to care. I tried again around noon with a bigger audience and some guy came by on his Mimiron's Head to give me a reality check, reminding me I wasn't THAT cool.

 Overall I'm still pretty happy, I have my flying mount I can feel proud in, I just need a ground mount now to match but I'm working on some ideas. Oh and if you're wondering if I was planning on staying 81 forever, the answer is no. I know, I know, I've been preoccupied of late but leveling is  now priority #1 this weekend. I plan to do more than just show and tell here, I promise!


Khendruk said...

You've had some serious success these past four or so days! Well done.

In the meantime, I'll be hoping my Mysterious Egg gives me a Green Proto Drake...someday. Might have to try out NPCScan too. Thanks for mentioning it.

Dakona said...

Maybe you're the good luck charm Khendruk. Every time you leave a comment something good happens. I might have to start paying you for these soon...

Anonymous said...

got a link to where you found that banner picture up top?


Silverhawk said...

Now this is my kind of blog :) A fellow hunter.
Love the header, you made it ?
Like the way you write, exciting and adventurous.

Dakona said...

Thanks so much. Who knew talking about myself would amuse someone else. You might be the first Silverhawk!

Silverhawk said...

hehe, well it's nice to be the first at something ^.^ (tho I find it strange that I am as your blog is awesome!) Us hunters must stick together :)

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